Test your knowledge

On this page you can test your knowledge! You can read the questions and think about the possible answer. We suggest to write it down on a piece of paper and after making the exercises, you can consult the answers. We wish you good luck and try not to cheat. 

A. How many chest compressions?

  1. 30
  2. 20
  3. 15

B. How many rescue breaths do you perform? 

  1. 2
  2. 4
  3. 6

C. What number do you dial?

1. 101

2. 212

3. 112

D. Place in the correct order: 

  1. A - B - C - D 
  2. D - B - C - A 
  3. D - C - B - A 

E. What is a cardiac arrest? 

  1. The heart beats faster 
  2. Blood vessel to the heart becomes clogged 
  3. Irregular heartbeat 

F. What is a very clear symptom of heart attack? 

  1. Chestpain 
  2. Headache 
  3. Dizziness

G. How long do you check the breathing?

  1. 10 seconds
  2. 5 seconds
  3. Until you are sure whether or not the person is breathing  

H. What is the first thing you do when you get to the person who is suffering from a cardiac arrest?

  1. Check safety 
  2. Check breathing 
  3. Start the resuscitation  

I. What do you have to say when calling the emergency service? 

  1. Who the victim is - where you are 
  2. Where I am - What has happened - How many victims there are
  3.  Only where I am 

J. As I'm cycling home, I see a wounded cyclist lying on the road. Because I want to secure his safety, I move the victim to the sidewalk. Am I allowed to move the victim?

  1. No, the injuries can get even worse
  2. Yes, if I'm sure that the victim is not in pain
  3. Yes, because this is safer

K. Place in the correct order:

  1. A - D - F - E - B - C
  2. F - A - D - E - B - C
  3. A - D - F - E - C - B

If you have answered the questions mentioned above, continue to scroll down to see whether or not your answers are correct. If you are not sure why your answer isn't correct, you can look for the explanation on our site or you can contact us.

A. How many chest compressions?

  • 1

B. How many rescue breaths do you perform?

  • 1

C. What number do you dial?

  • 3

D. Place in the correct order

  • 3

E. What is a cardiac arrest?

  • 2

F. What is a very clear symptom of heart attack?

  • 1

G. How long do you check breathing?

  • 1

H. What is the fist thing you do when you get to the person who is suffering from a cardiac arrest?

  • 2

I. What do you have to say when calling the emergency service?

  • 2

J. As I'm cycling home, I see a wounded cyclist laying on the road. Because I want to secure his safety, I move the victim to the sidewalk. Am I allowed to move the victim?

  • 1

K. Place in the correct order. 

  • 1

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