Mrs. Huysmans in Ukraine


Mrs. Huysmans is one of our lecturer. She teaches various classes such as urgent medical assistance. She has travelled to Ukraine before. Therefore we thought it was a good idea to ask her how she experienced her trip to the Ukraine.

Dear all

I like to tell you about my first Ukrainian experience a few months ago.

First and foremost, the Ukrainian people are one of the most hospitable people I've ever met.

I will never forget the warm welcome they gave us.

I was asked to collaborate in a "BLS project". The aim was to introduce the ERC BLS techniques to the students of the state pedagogical university of Ivan Franco. Who, in a later stadium will bring this techniques to pupils in secondary education.

During this visit we talked about tips and tricks to introduce BLS to non-healthcare workers. Because the most important thing is to do something... BLS needs to be accessible.

This project can contributes to the 3th sustainable development goal of the WHO "good health and wellbeing".

I'm happy to see that a few months after the kick-off, the Ukrainian students already went out in the feeld.

Even more happy I am when I know that our VIVES students will go to Ukraine and collaborate with the local students to give BLS workshops in the community.

Good luck,


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