First Help

What can you find in the first aid kit?

a pair of scissors
a pair of scissors

We use the scissors for cutting the clothing, for example; someone has a wound on the leg. You can cut through the trousers, so you can have a clear view of the wound.

We use the tweezers to work sterile. With this we can use compresses to clean a wound or put the compress into the wound to prevent massive blood loss.
Saftey pins
Saftey pins

You can use this for many things, such as fixating bandages and clothes so they don't come into contact with the wound.

Roll of tape
Roll of tape

You can use this to fixate the bandages and compresses to the skin, this way we prevent that they let go of the wound.


With compresses we can disinfect the wound. You can also cover a wound with a sterile compress, so that dirt won't be able to get into the wound.

Strech bandages
Strech bandages

Bandages can help us to fixate the compresses and/or other bandages.

Triangle cloth
Triangle cloth

We mainly use a triangle cloth for fractures of the arm, collarbone or a shoulder luxation. We can use this as a support bandage as well.

Cotton wool
Cotton wool

You can use a compress when the victim is excessively bleeding. By using multiple compresses, you can apply pressure on the wound, which will cause the wound to stop bleeding.


You can clean a superficial wound with water or disinfectant and close the wound with by using a plasterstrip.


It is important that your hands are disinfected and for cleaning the wound for the victim.


Use gloves as protection for yourself. By using gloves, you can avoid contact with body fluids (vomit, urine or blood) with your bare hands.

Safe kiss resperatoire mask
Safe kiss resperatoire mask

This is for when the victim has a cardiac arrest and has a wound in his face. You can protect yourself against the blood of the wound.

Rescue blanket
Rescue blanket

It has two sides: a gold and a silver sides. when a victim is overheated, you position the golden side towards the victim, When he is supercooled, put the silver side towards the victim, so he can warm up.

First help with..

- Unconscious, vomiting victim

If the victim is lying on his back, lay him on his side with his chin pointing to the ground. Reassure that the victim has a clear airway. This is called the stable side position or recovery position. 

- Burning wounds

Cool down with lukewarm water for 20 minutes. The cooling stops the burning of the wound. If possible remove jewellery and clothing (with a pair of scissors). If the cause of the burning wound(s) is due to the burned clothing, do not remove this clothing. When there is a deep burn wound, take a compress and soak it in cold water. Put the compress on the wound and go to the hospital as soon as possible. 

- Someone is choking

Is the airway free?

If yes, the victim can cough or you can hear some noise when he is breathing. 

Let him cough a couple of times. If the victim is unable to cough, you should hit the person between his shoulder blades five times. Do this, using the palm of your hand. Make an upward movement with your hand as well. 

If no, the victim can't cough or there is no breathing noise.

You can hit the person between his shoulder blades five times, using the palm of your hand.  Make an upward movement with your hand. When this doesn't work, stand behind the victim and make a fist then continue by placing it on the lowest point of the sternum. Place your other hand on the fist and push inwards and slightly upwards (Heimlich maneuver). Stop when the object that the person is choking on has been removed or when the emergency services have arrived.

- There is a severely bleeding wound

Stop the bleeding. Put on the your gloves and take sterile compresses. Wrap a bandage around the compresses and perform pressure on the wound; this way the bleeding can be stopped.

- Poisoning

Contact the Poison Control Centre or other professional healthcare providers and follow their instructions. Describe what has happened. Provide information on the toxin and the casualty.

Without advice of professional heathcare providers you should not let the casualty vomit, and should not give him/her water, milk or other remedies.

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