The steps of BLS 

Knowing the different phases of basic life support is very important, in order to achieve a successful rescue. For that reason, we would like to show you the six steps you have to undertake when performing basic life support.

We have tried to make the steps as clear as possible by using photos. Please remember that this is just a prototype. We highly recommend tying up your hair, if you have the opportunity and/or time to do so. This is for obvious hygienic reasons. We expect some feedback from you guys in order to improve our website for optimal use.

1. Check consciousness

  • Shake the shoulders.
  • Ask: 'Are you alright?'.
  • No reaction:
    Victim is unconscious .

2. Check breathing

  • Put your hand on the forehead.
  • Till head backwards to open airways.
  • Lift the chin with the other hand.
  • Look, listen and feel for 10 seconds maximum.

3. Call 112

  • Bystander present? Ask to call 112 and to get AED.
  • Alone? Call 112, set telephone to speaker function and start CPR.

4. Start with 30 chest compressions

  • Place your hands in the centrum of the sternum/ middle of the internipple line.
  • Push in the sternum up to 5 - 6 cm. 
  • Do this 30 times at a rate of 100 - 120 beats per minute*.
  • *Click on the Spotify logo below to find a playlist with multiple songs with the ideal tempo for resuscitation.

5. Give 2 rescue breaths

  • Do the chinlift, tilt the head back and pinch the nose.
  • Perform mouth to mouth respiration.
  • Ventilate twice in total (Max. 10sec.).
  • Continue CPR and continue giving 30 chest compressions.
  • If there are any other rescuers: change every 2 minutes.

6. Use the AED

  • Stands for 'automated external defibrillator'.
  • Interrupt CPR as short as possible. 
  • Bare the chest.
  • Turn on AED and follow instructions.
  • Attach electrodes to bare chest.
  • Follow the instructions until the ambulance arrives.

Positioning your hands during chest compressions: 

  • Place the palm of your hand in the middle of the chest - the lower half of the sternum.
  • Place your other hand on top of the hand already touching the victim's chest.
  • Intertwine your fingers en try to not perform any pressure on the ribs of the victim, the lower abdomen or the lower sternum.
  • Keep your arms straight. Make sure your shoulders are positioned above your hands.
  • Push down up to 5-6 cm. Do this using your bodyweight.
  • After every chest compresion you should let the chest rise to its original position. Try to not lose contact between your hands and the sternum.*
  • *Click on the Spotify logo below to find a playlist with multiple songs with the ideal tempo for resuscitation

Chin lift: 

  • Put your hand on the forehead of the victim. Push the head gently backwards.
  • Place your fingertips under the chin of the victim.
  • Lift the chin. This way, you open the airway of the victim. This is necessary for the mechanical ventilation.
  • Bare in mind that if the victim is suffering from a cervical (referring to the neck) injury, you should not perform this maneuver!

How to reanimate by VIVES dopomaha

This is a short video that we made in which we are showing the various steps of resuscitation. Watching this video can help you visualize and remember the steps.

Music for reanimation. This playlist contains songs that have the perfect rhythm for performing BLS.

Thing's you shouldn't do

1. Try not to panic.

2. Don't delay calling the emergency hotline.

3. Don't attempt to drive the person to the hospital.

4. Don't hesitate to conduct CPR especially when the person has stopped breathing.

5. Don't lay the person flat on the floor, this could harden the ability to breathe .

6. Don't give the person anything by mouth unless a heart medication (such as nitroglycerin) has been prescribed.

7. Lastly, don't allow the person to deny the symptoms and convince you not to call for emergency help. Better safe than sorry!

Don't run away! 

A person who is suffering from a cardiac arrest is in need of direct help. The sooner the person receives help, the higher the chance of survival.

Nowadays we can't imagine our lives without a smartphone. We carry it around everywhere.

You should NEVER photograph or record a video of a person who is in need of resuscitation. You should help the person as soon as possible and respect his/her privacy. 

More information about calling 102: 


Say the correct address and if necessary mention how to reach the location (e.g. 'Take the elevator to the second floor'') .

  • Make sure to mention the town or city, the street and house number, a recognizable, nearby location (e.g. a store)...
  • If you are on the highway: mention the number of the highway, its name, the driving direction, the number of a nearby distance mark...
  • If you are near a tall building: give a clear explanation of how they can get to you (e.g. 'Enter by the main entrance, then go right and take the stairs to the first floor.).
  • All passages should be clear. 
  • If it's dark outside, try to light up the outside to make everything visible.
  • The house number should be clear and readable from the outside.


Describe what exactly happened.

  • Give specific information: Is there a fire, an accident, perhaps aggression?
  • Are there any dangers that may cause the need of specific care?


  • Number of victims? 
  • Condition of the victim(s): What happened? Is there a loss of consciousness? Is the victim breathing normally?
  • Are there any specific injuries? (e.g. a bleeding, a fracture).
  • Are you talking about a child or an adult? What's the age of the victim?

Click here to consult a list of various emergency telephone numbers, organized by country.

Useful links

If you would like to have even more information, we would like to refer to the following links:

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