About us

Welcome to our educative and creative website!

We will work together with the students of the Drohobych State Pedagogical University of Ivan Franko via workshops and presentations. This way, we can give some tips so basic life support will be easier understood. We also talk about a very important factor: the fear of performing BLS. We have partnered up with different people and organisations. Thanks to our partners, we received some tools. This way we were able to realise our co-operation with the university students. Our name 'VIVES Dopomoha' means 'VIVES help'. With this name we refer to our help and collaboration to realise this project.

We wanted to take a creative approach with this project and at the same time, we wanted it to be educative. The importance of a good resuscitation has been proven various times already. That's why we, nursing students, find it very important that people know the theory behind it, but also can perform BLS. Together with the students of the Ivan Franko University, we hope to realise this goal.

A lot of websites about this topic are flooded with a lot of information. That is why we decided to make this website as clear as possible and providing information that is easy to understand. Please bear in mind this website is a prototype. If you want to give us feedback, please scroll down to the end of this page to contact us. If you would like to learn even more about specific topics, we would like to refer to some useful links. You can find these at the bottom of the page.

We have a heart for Ukraine and that is why we do it! 

We are six nursing students at Vives University College in Bruges, Belgium. As nursing students we think it's very important that people have knowledge about  basic life support.

In Ukraine, a lot of people do not possess enough knowledge about Basic Life Support and about the potential anxiety it causes. Via our class 'Entrepreneurship and Innovation' we wanted to create a tool whereby we provide some tips about how they can deal with this.

How to use our website? 

Our website is divided in different sections. This will help you to keep oversight about the various topics, and to reach your search action quick.

On this page, we give you information about what a cardiac arrest is and how you can recognise it.

We also have a page where we talk about Basic Life Support. First we give a lot of information about the various steps when performing BLS. We would like to stress the importance of performing a good chinlift, as seen in step 2. We also added a Spotify® link, where you can find different songs with the ideal tempo to perform BLS.

We also made a little video ourselves, please enjoy watching it. Of course it's important to watch the video with a critical eye. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we were unable to make some changes to our video (like tying up your hair when performing BLS, if possible of course). We also wanted to talk about things you absolutely should NOT do when performing BLS. Lastly we also explain what you should say, when calling the emergency services.

The chain of survival can be very important to higher the chances of survival!

At this section, we like to refer to the misunderstandings that appear when resuscitating. We also talk about fear. You can find some tips to reduce this hindering factor.

First help 

Our sponser EHBO-koffer.nl gifted us a beautiful first aid kit with a lot of materials inside. On this page, we took the time to look what they gifted us and talk about the individual functions of these supplies. 

Test your knowledge 

We liked the thought of testing your knowledge, after you ran through the site. That is why we created some questions about the different topics we talked about. You can find the solutions of the different questions on our site. Enjoy the test and try to avoid cheating!

Our partners 

Here we talk about our partners who helped us to realise this beautiful project.

The blog and experiences

Here you can see some testimonies about our lecturer ms. Huysmans and about the cancellation of our trip due to the COVID-19 virus.

On our website, you can find different useful links where we refer to interesting sources. Be sure to check them out!

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Who are we? 







Give us feedback!

We would like to hear your feedback. You can give us tips or ask us questions by emailing us on this address: vivesdopomoha@hotmail.com or by sending us a message on our Facebook page.

© 2020 VIVES Dopomoha. All rights reserved.
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